PaperStone is available in sophisticated designer colors in two series.
Because it is a natural material, color variations may be expected.
PaperStone is a high performance surface backed by
a 10 year warranty. It has these key characteristics:
- Extremely high impact resistance rated at 45,000
psi in direct force.
- Stain, and heat resistance comparable to high-end
natural and man-made materials make it suitable
for a wide range of applications in health care and
- Excellent dimensional stability which allows for the
use of PaperStone in structural applications.
- Class A Rating (ASTM E84) for both Flamespread
and Smoke Development.
- UV Stability. Darker colors are very UV stable.
Lighter colors can be expected to experience shifts
due to UV exposure. These variations can be subtle
or dramatic depending on conditions, much the
same way natural hardwoods like cherry will
change over time.
- Paperstone is a color-through material and will not
scratch white.
- Minor scratches and most stubborn stains can be
removed with a ScotchBrite Pad or very light
sanding followed by use of PaperStone Finish.